3 Essential Facts About Roof and Attic Ventilation

Cracks and gaps on your roof aren’t the only way moisture can infiltrate your home. The air flowing into your home contains a certain amount of moisture. Not to worry though; as long as there’s adequate ventilation inside, humid air shouldn’t cause any damage to your home.

What are the other things you should know about roof and attic ventilation? Timberland Exteriors, your local home remodeling contractor, lists the key facts about roof ventilation below.

3 essential facts about roof and attic ventilation

1. Having More Ventilation Isn’t Better

The more vents your home has, the better, right? Well, not exactly. Installing more exhaust or intake vents than necessary can disrupt indoor airflow. Remember: The amount of space that’s dedicated to air intake has to be the same as the space dedicated for air exhaust. In general, there should be a square foot of net free area (NFA) (the area through which air can pass through) for every 300 square feet of floor area for attics with a vapor barrier. If your attic doesn’t have a vapor barrier, it will need a square foot of NFA for every 150 square feet of attic floor space.

2. Adequate Insulation Is Just as Important As Adequate Ventilation

Roof insulation and ventilation always go hand in hand. If there are gaps in your home’s insulation, warm air from the lower floors or outside can enter your attic and eventually your roof. Since warm air retains more moisture, it might cause condensation to form and roof issues to develop eventually.

3. The Type of Roof Vent You Install Matters

Different types of vents have varying levels of efficiency. Remember: There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach in home improvement projects. That said, most contractors would agree ridge vents would be the most cost-efficient choice. To learn more about your options, consult a contractor from a reputable general construction company.

Looking for reputable contractors in your area?

Timberland™ Exteriors, an A-plus-rated contractor with the Better Business Bureau®, offers professional exterior home remodeling services. To get a free estimate, call us at these numbers: (651) 404-2330, (952) 373-5145, (218) 366-9433, or (715) 203-8040. You can also leave us a message here. We serve homeowners in Minneapolis, MN, as well as the surrounding communities.