8 Roofing Questions to Ask When Interviewing References

Asking references the right questions can make all the difference in finding the best roofer for your needs. Timberland Exteriors, a trusted roofing and window installation service expert, shares a list of questions to ask when interviewing prospective contractor’s past customers.

8 Roofing Questions to Ask When Interviewing References

1. How Long Have You Worked With This Roofer?

One of the first questions you should ask is how long the reference has worked with the roofer. A long-term working relationship is often an indicator of trust and satisfaction with the roofer’s services.

2. Were You Satisfied With the Quality of the Work?

Inquiring about the final result of the roofing project is crucial. Also, find out if there were any issues or concerns they faced during the process and whether they were resolved to their satisfaction.

3. Was the Project Completed on Time and Within Budget?

Timeliness and budget management are also important when choosing a roofer. Delays and unexpected costs can be frustrating and costly for homeowners.

4. How Was the Communication With the Roofer?

Ask the reference about their experience communicating with the roofer. Did they respond to questions and concerns promptly? Were they clear and concise with their explanations? The answers to these questions can help you determine if they’ll be easy to work with for your new roof installation.

5. Were There Any Unexpected Issues or Challenges? How Were They Handled?

Unforeseen problems can arise during any roofing project. A good roofer should know how to address issues efficiently and effectively.

6. Did the Roofer Keep the Worksite Clean and Safe?

Proper worksite management can reflect the roofer’s professionalism and attention to detail. Ask the reference about the roofer’s daily cleanup routine and any safety precautions taken during the project.

7. Would You Hire This Roofer Again for Future Projects?

A strong recommendation from a previous client is a good indicator of a quality roofer. Repeat business is often a sign of trust and satisfaction with the roofer’s work.

8. Did the Roofer Offer Any Additional Services?

Some roofers may offer additional services, such as window or siding installation. These other services could be valuable skills for future home improvement projects.

Looking for a Trusted Roofer in Your Area?

For high-quality residential roofing needs, turn to Timberland Exteriors in Maplewood, MN. We also specialize in other exterior home improvement services, including wood-clad window and fiber cement siding installations. Call us at (651) 439-1760, or fill out our contact form for a free estimate.