Keeping Your Casement Windows in Excellent Condition

Casement windows are great for any home and they can last for many years. However, they usually need a bit more care than other types of window. If neglected for a long time, you may find yourself dealing with some maintenance issues.

keeping your casement windows in excellent condition

Many of these problems can be prevented. Timberland Exteriors, a trusted exterior remodeling contractor, gives five maintenance tips to help keep your casement windows in tiptop condition.

Clean Your Casement Window Regularly

The simple task of regular cleaning can save you from the hassle of a malfunctioning window. But apart from keeping the glass squeaky clean, you should also pay close attention to any debris in the control arm track. Sometimes small particles get stuck in these spaces making it difficult to open and close windows. Don’t forget to check for rust as well.

Replace Cracked or Cloudy Glass

Cloudiness occurs due to moisture and condensation that creep between the sealed panes. It’s not possible to separate the panes to allow moisture to dissipate, so you’re left with buying new glass. Cracked glass, on the other hand, happens for varying reasons. Whether it’s an isolated issue or part of a hail storm damage restoration project, replace it immediately.

Replacing glass is a delicate procedure, and it would be best to ask help from professionals. If you decide to do this by yourself, be careful and make sure to wear protective gloves and goggles.

Lubricate Casement Window at Least Once a Year

Lubricating your casement window at least once a year can help keep all of its parts operating smoothly. All you need is a few drops of oil for each hinge. Just make sure the oil reaches the space between the hinge leaves and the pin holding them together. Take a look at the crank or handle too. Sometimes the gear mechanism inside the handle becomes stiff due to poor lubrication.

Timberland Exteriors, a trusted expert in the remodeling industry, provides quality window replacement, residential roofing service and deck construction among others. Give us a call at (218) 366-9433 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Minnesota, including Detroit Lakes, MN.