Should You Replace Several or All Windows?

You’re looking into exterior home remodeling services because you’ve decided that your windows need replacing. However, the question you really want to ask is whether you should replace all of your windows in one go, or if it’s more advantageous to do this one set of windows at a time?

should you replace several or all windows

The simple answer is, it’s up to you. But you should know that there are some factors to consider before deciding to replace only a few windows at a time, then wait until you’re ready to replace the rest.

The Pricing Would Be Different

Few window installers would change the price per window depending on the number of windows you want. But any home remodeling contractor would adjust the cost of labor per project. This means that if you replace four out of six windows now, then decide to replace the two remaining old windows after a few weeks, the cost of the second project might be comparatively higher. The window company has to cover the cost of sending their team again to your home to install a new batch of windows. If you had decided to replace all six windows in one project, the cost would have been significantly lower.

The Window Design Might Change

Windows change over time because manufacturers are always looking for materials and designs that are more energy-efficient, functional, and beautiful. New windows look different from the old windows. If you replace several windows now, but the manufacturer decides to phase out that style of windows because they’re rolling out a redesigned version, you’ll end up with windows that are similar but not the same when you decide to replace the remaining old windows. It might not be a big deal for some, but windows that don’t look the same might be a turn-off for most.

A New Project Means New Hassles

Window replacement projects are not as disruptive as others, especially if you hire a good contractor, but technicians would still be at your home, tarps would still be rolled out, some furniture and decor might still have to be moved, you would probably be unable to use the room while the project is ongoing, etc. Replacing all of your windows in one go would mean having to deal with all of this only once. Replacing your windows by batch means going through all of it just as many times.

Ultimately, the decision to replace only several windows or all of your windows is up to you. But it’s good to know about these factors before making that decision.

Find out more about this from Timberland Exteriors, a trusted home improvement and general construction company. Call us today in Maplewood, MN 651-439-1760 or in Detroit Lakes, MN (218) 849-6675. You can also leave us a message here. Let’s talk about your project in Minneapolis, MN.