Why Are Some Roof Insurance Claims Denied?

One of the first things homeowners do when faced with roof storm damage is to file a roof insurance claim. Unfortunately, not all roof claims are approved, and if they are, there’s also a chance that it will be underpaid. So what exactly are the reasons roof claims get denied, and what can you do about it? The premier roofing contractor in the area, Timberland Exteriors, shares what you need to know.

Why Are Some Roof Insurance Claims Denied

Non-Covered Issues

Homeowner’s insurance is sorted into different policies that cover a specific number of named perils. Roof damage caused by a storm (wind or hail) and fire are generally considered named perils, but your insurance policy has to specify its coverage within the contract terms and conditions. What this means is that even if your roof has suffered impact damage due to hail, or has most of its shingles blown off by high winds, you may not get coverage because it’s not covered (or specified in writing) in the insurance policy.

Lack of Roof Maintenance

Your insurance provider will most likely perform their own inspection of your roof. If they’ve determined that the roof damage is actually caused — or made worse — by poor maintenance, they may refuse to approve your roof claim.

Partial Roof Damage

Insurance companies may deny your claim if your roof has only sustained partial damage. Before filing a claim, you need to make sure the roof damage actually warrants it. You’ll want to call a trusted professional like Timberland Exteriors to perform a comprehensive damage assessment of your roof system. Our trained and experienced team will let you know if your roof is damaged enough to green light an insurance claim.

What to Do if the Claim Is Denied or Underpaid

If you feel like the claim rejection has been wrongful, there’s an appraisal process you can take to overturn the denied claim. Just keep in mind that a resolution may be a long time coming. The fact is that a claim denial could have been avoided if all the necessary measures were taken beforehand. This means:

  • Filing the claim within a reasonable time. Don’t wait too long to file one.
  • Checking the details of the insurance policy to determine if the roof damage is actually covered.
  • Having photographic documentation of the roof damage.
  • Make sure all the required documentation is compiled and submitted on time.
  • Having an experienced roofer like Timberland Exteriors on-site while the insurance adjuster is checking the roof.

Get in Touch With Us

Don’t let roof storm damage compromise the structural integrity of your home. Make sure to turn to Timberland Exteriors for professional repair and restoration services. And if you need an expert to guide you through the roof insurance claims process, we can be that, too. Call us now at 651-439-1760, or fill out this contact form to schedule a roof consultation. We proudly serve homeowners in Detroit Lakes, MN, and other areas in Becker County.