Why It’s Not a Good Idea to Nail a New Roof Over an Old One

Roof replacement is typically an expensive project. Some homeowners opt for a cheaper way to do this — having the new roof nailed over the old one. In some cases, this method of roof installation is acceptable. But if you want to go with the highest standards and ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your roof system, it’s best to have the old roof stripped off before installing the new one.

why its not a good idea to nail a new roof over an old one

Timberland Exteriors, an established provider of residential roofing services, further discusses the top reasons why nailing a new roof over an old one (aka re-roofing) is a bad idea.

Your Roof Warranty Can Be Voided

Roofing warranties typically require that roofs be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the correct installation method is not followed, your roofing warranty can lose its validity. Keep in mind that the recommended installation techniques help ensure the durability and performance of your roof. So if your roof is not installed using the right method, the manufacturer can no longer guarantee the efficiency of your roof system.

It Adds Unnecessary Weight to Your Home

Your roofing or exterior remodeling contractor will likely raise this issue with regard to re-roofing. Although roofs are generally built to hold a certain weight, a go-over will naturally add an unnecessary load to your roof system. This means your entire roof will likely be absorbing more heat, which could wear out your new shingles more quickly. That said, installing the new shingles directly on the sheathing is recommended.

It Increases the Risk of Roofing Issues

By completely removing the old roof, you’ll have an opportunity to check the condition of the decking and make any necessary repairs or replacements prior to the installation of the new roof. Furthermore, the full removal of the old roof also enables the roofer to properly install the paper underlayment and ice and water shield. These components are crucial to preventing ice dams and protecting your roof from damage.

Timberland Exteriors is a reputable home improvement company with several years of experience in the industry. We perform a variety of jobs including roof replacement, siding installation, hail storm damage restoration, deck construction and more.

Call us at (218) 849-6675 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We serve customers in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota and the surrounding areas.