How to Avoid Condensation in the Roof

Mornings usually come with dew, which can be found in the garden and the trees. Where it shouldn’t be is within your roof structure. When you see dew or moisture forming overhead, it’s a dangerous sign. As an expert in roof and window installation service, we explain how it affects your roof.

how to avoid condensation in the roof

How Condensation Occurs

The most common cause of condensation is poor ventilation. When your roof gets hot, the air within the structure heats up too. Without the right ventilation or cooling, it’ll stay that way for a fairly long time. This can heat up any water molecules surrounding the roof, which then evaporates into water vapor–which enters pockets of air in the roof. Once the roof cools down, the water vapor will then condense into condensation.

When this happens, moisture forms within your home. The danger it brings involves expanding and contracting your shingles. Before you know it, you could have deformed shingles that can lead to leaks. Preventing leaks is one of the keys to maintain your interior, windows and fiber cement siding.

How to Stop It

A key factor in fixing condensation is improving ventilation within your roof. You need to let the hot air escape somehow. One possibility is by adding vents in the rafters. This not only causes the air to flow through but it also allows it to circulate and stabilize the entire home. This way, you can enjoy better air circulation in your roof and better heat diffusion throughout your home.

Another tip in saving your new roof installation is getting the right window installations. Sometimes your windows can be absorbing too much heat. Other times, it isn’t properly sealed and thus lets drafts in. By getting the right windows for your home, you can drastically improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Timberland Exteriors has many years of experience in home improvement. We will properly inspect your home and help you find the right installations to improve your ventilation. Contact us to learn more about our services and products. We serve Maplewood and many other areas in MN.